H.E.R.O.S. Enables Education With Outcomes!

Higher Education Real-time Operating System (H.E.R.O.S.) is a platform that enables the delivery of higher education focussed on outcomes. Think of it like Google Maps for learning. It’s a real-time learning navigator that continuously collects learning signals and intervenes towards improving the outcomes.

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signals collected DAILY as compared to 48 signals per YEAR collected in the traditional model.

8 Months

into a UG program enables outcomes as compared to 42-48 months in the regular programs.


of students achieved outcomes at the end of 12 months of our UG program. Deployed and tested with a pilot batch.

H.E.R.O.S - The Navigator

H.E.R.O.S. continuously collects learning signals and intervenes through its 3 sub-systems:

Signals Platform

Collects real-time data (up to 8 data points per hour) about a student’s progress on various learning tracks.

Observation and Intervention Engine

Undertakes system interventions and in-person interventions.

Aggregate Intelligence

Continuously mines signals at an aggregate level to provide directional improvements to the system design.

Work With Us

This is a world-first effort. A fully digital platform which can scalably and efficiently integrate outcomes-oriented programs. As educators, we welcome you to connect with us to understand more and explore possible synergies. As builders, we welcome you to come be a part of building an extremely innovative platform.

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